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Product Reviews

by Viridiana Carbajal on Jan 17, 2015

I rented a calculator for a semester and was charged $38.50. I returned the calculator before the rental period ended in PERFECT CONDITION along with batteries. Weeks later I was sent an email thanking me for returning the calculator. A week later I checked my account and saw a $75 charge from GRAPHTOR!!!! I emailed them and their reply was that I sent them a BROKEN calculator and that they had sent me an email regarding this already. THIS IS NOT TRUE. I was sent an email THANKING me for returning the calculator! GRAPHTOR is a scam!!! I would suggest you look elsewhere for renting calculators (, unless you want a $75 OVERCHARGE! I am so upset and will spread the word out so everyone finds out what a SCAM this company is!!

Rated: 1 Stars

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